Monday, October 19, 2009

The Snuggie goes Viral! Logo Your Snuggle!

They were two of the worst minutes in TV history -- which might be a reason that they were so entertaining -- and we were treated to them nightly: A woman tugs at her sweater, struggling to stay warm in the cold, gray world of her living room. A voice chimes in.
"You want to keep warm when you're feeling chilled, but you don't want to raise your heating bill. Blankets are OK, but they can slip and slide, and when you need to reach for something your hands are trapped inside.
"Now, there's the Snuggie! -- the blanket that has sleeves!"

The commercial in all it's cheesey glory went viral, the Snuggie became a sensation.

There's even an entire website, called Snuggie Sightings that's devoted to pictures, videos, and news about the Snuggie.

There was also a widely distributed photo of a person wearing the Snuggie at President Obama's inauguration.

A Facebook fan group with over 7 thousand members.

So if you are thinking about being the office jokester and giving Snuggies for holiday gifts or if you are just a person who does not want their hands trapped inside their blanket...we have you covered.  There are several new versions of the Snuggie available embroidered with your logo.  Youth and adult sizes, in several colors. 

The Snuggle is perfect when its cold and you want to snuggle up with the paper, watch a movie or read a great book. Large loose sleeves allow for easy movement and the use of your hands while keeping your entire body warm and toasty. 100% polyester, non-pilling fleece. Machine washable. Available with a Front pocket.
Call today for a quote 800-237-3948

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